In fact, whilst the campaign serves as a tutorial to the core mechanics, it’s definitely more action focused than steady resource management, and lets you get used to the mechanics with little pressure. This is a more hands on approach than it first appears, and the game wastes no time putting you in charge of helicopters and trucks to personally hunt and tranquilise them. From arid Arizona to lush Oregon, the aim is to capture and contain the free roaming beasts, and set up a safe haven for each. This is the premise of the campaign and plays out across 5 scenarios in different environments that showcases a new look and feel after the tropical setting of Las Cinco Muertes. As the prehistoric creatures are now roaming free over the mainland US it’s up to you as a containment and welfare expert to help round them up and stop them from doing damage to humans, as well as keeping an eye out for a place they could be allowed to grow on their own. How does Jurassic World Evolution 2 expand the scope and scale? It changes the task to that of creating a dinosaur sanctuary across the United States of America.
The movies have always managed this (with mixed results, granted), and with the latest instalment Dominion due next year providing inspiration for the campaign mode, I’m hopeful that the incubation period over the last couple of years will hatch something promising. As much as I rinsed the first one and the DLC, more of the same doesn’t really cut it in a sequel… it needs to be bigger, badder and bring something surprising with it. When I heard Jurassic World Evolution 2 was in development I did start to wonder exactly how they could take it further.
#Jurassic world evolution 2 chaos theory series#
What made it stand out further from the crowd is the faithfulness to the series of films and managing to employ a good chunk of the main cast to bring the authenticity.
If there’s any genre that the Universal property fits it’s that of park sim and strategic management. Being late to the party with the first game, it’s actually only this year that I got to see how much of a great job Frontier Developments had made with converting the Jurassic Park franchise into a fully featured game.